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V Marie’s Heart is a 501(c)(3) non profit (Tax ID #93-3156279).

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Career Enhancement

Help finance opportunities and education for individuals where finances are a barrier.

  • ALC Supervision assistance
  • Financial Assistance for individuals in the mental health/wellness field perusing intern/practicum needing to supplement income due having to decrease work schedule in order to get a degree to live out their passion.
  • Placement and rent assistance for professionals in the wellness field.

These individuals will learn:

  1. Mentoring on Professionalism: Individuals should learn a range of concepts, skills, and attitudes related to professionalism to thrive in professional environments.
  2. Problem Solving: Demonstrating good problem-solving skills involves identifying issues, analyzing root causes, brainstorming solutions, and implementing effective strategies. It requires creativity, critical thinking, and adaptability to overcome challenges efficiently. Communicating clearly, collaborating with others, and evaluating outcomes are essential for achieving successful resolutions in diverse situations.
  3. Financial Literacy: Financial literacy encompasses understanding various financial concepts, including budgeting, saving, investing, debt management, and retirement planning. It involves making informed decisions about personal finances, such as managing expenses, establishing financial goals, and assessing financial risks. Financial literacy empowers individuals to navigate complex financial systems and achieve long-term financial stability and well-being.
  4. Customer Service: Learning good customer service involves understanding customer needs, active listening, empathy, effective communication, problem-solving, and patience. It’s about going above and beyond to ensure customer satisfaction, building trust, and fostering loyalty. Continuous improvement, adaptability, and teamwork are key to delivering exceptional service experiences that leave a lasting positive impression.
  5. Mental Health Services: Mental health counseling provides a safe and supportive space for individuals to explore and address their emotional, psychological, and behavioral concerns. It promotes self-awareness, resilience, and coping skills, fostering improved mental well-being and quality of life. Counseling reduces stigma, offers validation, and empowers individuals to lead healthier, more fulfilling lives.
  6. Confidence: We help enhance confidence. We strive to empower individuals to pursue goals, overcome challenges, and embrace opportunities with self-assurance. It will enhance communication, leadership, and decision-making skills, fostering resilience and adaptability. Confidence enables individuals to assert themselves, navigate setbacks, and achieve success, leading to greater fulfillment, satisfaction, and overall well-being.
  7. Eliminate Fear: We can help eliminating fear through mentoring. This helps liberate individuals to embrace challenges, take risks, and pursue growth opportunities with courage and resilience. It fosters creativity, innovation, and personal development by removing barriers to exploration and self-expression. Without fear holding them back, individuals can expand their horizons, fulfill their potential, and thrive in all aspects of life.

Special Needs

Help create opportunities for individuals with special needs by creating job opportunities and providing life skills.

  1. Teach basic living skills: Teaching basic living skills involves practical instruction in essential tasks such as cooking, cleaning, budgeting, and personal hygiene. It includes hands-on demonstrations, step-by-step guidance, and opportunities for practice and reinforcement. Teaching life skills also encompasses fostering independence, problem-solving abilities, and self-confidence to navigate daily responsibilities effectively.
  2. Money Management: Money management skills empower the underserved to make informed financial decisions, budget effectively, and save for the future. These skills promote financial stability, independence, and resilience, reducing reliance on predatory lending and breaking the cycle of poverty. Financial literacy enhances access to opportunities and improves overall quality of life for underserved communities.
  3. Communication Skills: Teaching communication skills equips the underserved with the ability to express themselves effectively, advocate for their needs, and navigate social interactions with confidence. Enhanced communication fosters empowerment, builds self-esteem, and facilitates access to resources and opportunities. It strengthens relationships, empowers advocacy efforts, and promotes social inclusion and upward mobility for underserved individuals.
  4. Sex Education (Special Needs Population): Teaching sex education to special needs and underserved populations promotes empowerment, informed decision-making, and healthy relationships. It fosters understanding of anatomy, boundaries, consent, and sexual health, reducing vulnerability to exploitation and promoting autonomy, safety, and well-being in intimate relationships.
  5. Prepare for Job Placement: Preparing the underserved and special needs population for job placement involves providing tailored vocational training, skill development, and job readiness support. It includes job coaching, resume building, interview preparation, and fostering self-confidence, independence, and workplace accommodations to ensure successful integration into the workforce.
  6. Mental Health and Counseling Services: Mental health services offer crucial support to the underserved by providing access to counseling, therapy, and psychiatric care. These services promote emotional well-being, resilience, and coping skills, reducing stigma and barriers to treatment. They empower individuals to overcome challenges, improve functioning, and lead fulfilling lives.

Caretaker Relief

Help give caretakers of ALS and other illnesses an outlet and resources while caring for their loved ones.

  1. Respite: Respite for caretakers is essential for preventing burnout, reducing stress, and maintaining overall well-being. It offers caregivers much-needed breaks to rest, recharge, and attend to their own needs. Respite also strengthens caregiving relationships, enhances quality of care, and promotes longevity in the caregiving role.
  2. Spa Day: Caretakers must prioritize self-care to maintain their physical, emotional, and mental health. Self-care activities, such as exercise, relaxation, and socialization, prevent burnout and compassion fatigue. Taking breaks, seeking support, and practicing mindfulness are vital for sustaining caregiving responsibilities while preserving the well-being and quality of life of both caretakers and those they support.
  3. Yoga: Yoga offers caretakers a holistic approach to self-care, addressing physical, emotional, and mental well-being. It reduces stress, tension, and fatigue through mindful movement and breath work. Yoga fosters relaxation, resilience, and mindfulness, enhancing caretakers’ ability to cope with the demands of caregiving and promoting overall health and well-being.

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